Selected articles in peer-reviewed JCR Journals & International Conferences in the latest 5 years:
- Marcos Lanzón, Francisco José Castellón, Manuel Ayala, Effect of the expanded perlite dose on the fire performance of gypsum plasters. Construction and Building Materials, 346 (2022) 128494.
- F.J. Castellón, M. Ayala, M. Lanzón. Influence of tire rubber waste on the fire behavior of gypsum coatings of construction and structural elements. Materiales de Construcción (accepted 2021).
- F.J. Castellón; M. Ayala; J.A. Flores; M. Lanzón, Influence of citric acid on the fire behavior of gypsum coatings of construction and structural elements. Materiales de Construcción 77 (2021).
- David Navarro-Moreno, Ana Martínez-Arredondo, Victoria E. García-Vera, Mª Lourdes Gutiérrez-Carrillo, Juan Antonio Madrid, Marcos Lanzón. Nanolime, ethyl silicate and sodium silicate: Advantages and inconveniences in consolidating ancient bricks (XII-XIII century). Construction and Building Materials 277 (2021).
- Marcos Lanzón, Valerio De Stefano, Juan Carlos Molina Gaitán, Isabel Bestué Cardiel, Mª Lourdes Gutiérrez-Carrillo. Characterisation of earthen walls in the Generalife (Alhambra): microstructural and physical changes induced by deposition of Ca(OH)2 nanoparticles in original and reconstructed samples. Construction and Building Materials 232 (2020).
- Shima Pilehvar, Susana G. Sanfelix, Anna M. Szczotok, Juan Francisco Rodríguez, Luca Valentini, Marcos Lanzón, Ramón Pamies, Anna-Lena Kjøniksen. Effect of temperature on geopolymer and Portland cement composites modified with Micro-encapsulated Phase Change materials, Construction and Building Materials 252 (2020).
- M.M. Alonso, J.A. Suárez-Navarro, R. Pérez-Sanz, C. Gascó, A.M. Moreno de los Reyes. M. Lanzón, M.T.
Blanco-Varela, F. Puertas. Data on natural radionuclide’s activity concentration of cement-based materials. Data in Brief 33 (2020). - Victoria E. García Vera, Antonio J. Tenza-Abril, Marcos Lanzón, The effectiveness of ethyl silicate as consolidating and protective coating to extend the durability of earthen materials. Construction and Building Materials 236 (2020).
- Victoria E. García-Vera, Antonio José Tenza-Abril, Afonso Miguel Solak, Marcos Lanzón. Calcium hydroxide nanoparticles coatings applied on cultural heritage materials: their influence on physical characteristics of earthen plasters. Applied Surface Science 504 (2020).
- Marcos Lanzón, Victoria E. García Vera. Use of image analysis to evaluate surface dispersion and covering performance of nanolime coatings sprayed on heritage material substrates. Applied Surface Science 480 (2019) 962-928
- Shima Pilehvar, Anna M. Szczotok, Juan Francisco Rodríguez, Luca Valentini, Marcos Lanzón, Ramón Pamies, Anna-Lena Kjøniksen. Effect of freeze-thaw cycles on the mechanical behavior of geopolymer concrete and Portland cement concrete containing micro-encapsulated phase change materials. Construction and Building Materials 200 (2019) 94-103.
- Victoria E. García-Vera, Antonio Tenza-Abril, José Miguel Saval, Marcos Lanzón. Influence of Crystalline Admixtures on the Short-Term Behaviour of Mortars Exposed to Sulphuric Acid. Materials 12 (2019) 1-16.
- A. Suárez-Navarro, M. Lanzón, A.M. Moreno-Reyes, C. Gascó, M.M. Alonso, M.T.Blanco-Varela, F. Puertas. Radiological behaviour of pigments and water repellents in cement-based mortars. Construction and Building Materials 225 (2019) 879-885.
- José Antonio Suarez-Navarro, Catalina Cascó-Lorente, M.M Alonso, Marcos Lanzón, M.T. Blanco-Varela, F. Puertas. Use of Genie 2000 and Excel VBA to correct for g-ray interference in the determination of NORM building material activity concentrations. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 142 (2018) 1-7
- Victoria E. García Vera, Marcos Lanzón. Physical-chemical study, characterisation and use of image analysis to assess the durability of earthen plasters exposed to rain water and acid rain. Construction and Building Materials 187 (2018) 708-717.
- Victoria E. García-Vera, Antonio Tenza-Abril, Marcos Lanzón. Jose Miguel Saval. Exposing Sustainable Mortars with Nanosilica, Zinc Stearate, and Ethyl Silicate Coating to Sulfuric Acid Attack. Sustainability 10 (2018) 3769.
- Pilehvar, V.D. Cao, A.M. Szczotok, M. Carmona, L. Valentini, M. Lanzón, R. Pamies, A.L. Kjoniksen. Physical and mechanical properties of fly ash and slag geopolymer concrete containing different types of micro-encapsulated phase change materials. Construction and Building Materials 173 (2018) 28-39
- M. Alonso, S. Gismera-Díez, M.T. Blanco, M. Lanzón, F. Puertas. Alkali-activated mortars: Workability and rheological behavior. Construction and Building Materials. Construction and Building Materials 145 (2017) 576-587
- J.A. Madrid, Marcos Lanzón. Synthesis and morphological examination of high-purity Ca(OH)2 nanoparticles to consolidate porous surfaces. Applied Surface Science 424 (2017) 2-8
- Marcos Lanzón, J.A. Madrid. Ana Martínez-Arredondo, Soledad Mónaco. Use of diluted Ca(OH)2 suspensions and their transformation into nanostructured CaCO3 coatings: a case study in strengthening heritage materials (stucco, adobe and stone). Applied Surface Science 424 (2017) 20-27.
- Marcos Lanzón, Encarnación Martínez, María Mestre, Juan Antonio Madrid. Use of zinc stearate to produce highly-hydrophobic adobe materials with extended durability to water and acid-rain. Construction and Building Materials 139 (2017) 114-122.
- M. Alonso, S. Gismera-Díez, M.T. Blanco, M. Lanzón, F. Puertas. Alkali-activated mortars: workability and rheological behavior. Construction and Building Materials 145 (2017) 576-587.
International Conferences (2018-2016):
- Marcos Lanzón, Victoria E. García-Vera, Antonio Tenza-Abril, Valerio De Stefano. Nanoparticle-based Ca(OH)2 coatings for consolidating heritage materials: evaluation of efficiency and surface dispersion using microscopy and image analysis. 11th International Conference on Advanced Nanomateriales ANM 2018, Aveiro, Portugal, June, 2018.
- Victoria E. García-Vera, Antonio Tenza-Abril, Marcos Lanzón. The role of Ca(OH)2 nanoparticles as consolidating and protective coatings to extend the durability of earthen materials. 11th International Conference on Advanced Nanomateriales ANM 2018 Aveiro, Portugal, June, 2018.
- Victoria E. García-Vera, Antonio Tenza-Abril, Marcos Lanzón, Afonso Miguel Solak. Exposition to acid attack of mortars with nanosilica, zinc stearate and ethyl silicate coating. International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches for Cement-based Materials and Structural Concrete Madeira, Portugal, October 2018.
- Victoria E. García-Vera, Antonio Tenza-Abril, Marcos Lanzón, Afonso Miguel Solak. Experimental procedures for determining the level of segregation of lightweight aggregate concretes. International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches for Cement-based Materials and Structural Concrete Madeira, Portugal, October 2018.
- Afonso Miguel Solak, Antonio Tenza-Abril, Francisco Baeza-Brotons, Victoria E. García-Vera, Marcos Lanzón. New insights on the segregation due to manufacture conditions of lightweight aggregate concretes. International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches for Cement-based Materials and Structural Concrete Madeira, Portugal, October 2018.
- Victoria E. García-Vera, Antonio Tenza-Abril, Marcos Lanzón, Afonso Miguel Solak, Concepción Pla, David Benavente. Water absorption changes in mortars with crystalline admixture exposed to acid environment. International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches for Cement-based Materials and Structural Concrete Madeira, Portugal, October 2018.
- Marcos Lanzón, J.A. Madrid. Synthesis of high-purity Ca(OH)2 nanoparticles with improved properties for consolidation of cultural heritage materials. 7th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials, Aveiro, Portugal, July 25-27, 2016.
- Marcos Lanzón, J.A. Madrid. Testing the efficiency of diluted nanolime suspensions in consolidating heritage materials: a case study for stone, plasters and adobe samples. 7th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials, Aveiro, Portugal, July 25-27, 2016.
- F. Puertas, S. Gismera, M.M Alonso, M.T. Blanco, A. Hoyos, M. Lanzón, R. Moreno, B. Lothenbach, M. Palacios. Rheology of cementitious materials: alkali-activated materials or Geopolymers. RILEM: 2nd International Congress on Materials & Structural Stability CMSS-2017, Rabat, Morocco, November 2017.
- Tim De Kock; Jasper Gryffroy; Jeroen Van Stappen; Matthieu N Boone; Marcos Lanzón; Veerle Cnudde. Micro-CT in the study of gypsum crusts and patina formation on Lede stone. 3rd International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures, ICTMS2017. Lund, Sweden, June 2017.
- Marcos Lanzón, J.A. Madrid. Rapid and clean methodology to synthesize alcoholic suspensions of calcium hydroxide nanoparticles. 5th World Congress on Materials Science & Engineering, Alicante, Spain, June 13-15, 2016.